Our First Blog… Or is It Just Ramblings…

We are starting another new adventure, blogging. We aren’t really sure how this will go, but we are going to give it a try. Ralph and I will blog about a bunch of different things, archery, hunting, critters, technical things, food, and if you have any suggestions on things to write about, please let us know!  Please let us know what kind of things you’d like to see. We have plenty of old hunting stories to share and much more.

We will also write about different events and other things that we hear and see going on. Like the new campaign from Cabela’s, Disconnect Day. Have you heard about it yet? It’s where you go ahead and pledge 1 day of disconnecting from our electronics. Did you know that the American child spends an average of 7 hours a day in front of electronic screens? That kids only spend an average of 15-25 minutes playing outside? That 73% of parents believe they spent more time playing outside than their kids do at the same age?

Cabela’s Disconnect Day

Cabela’s is trying to make a difference, by getting us to disconnect from our electronics and get outside! Go fishing, hunting, hiking, camping, anything but staying inside and looking at our ‘electronic’ screens. Give it try!! Go to  http://bit.ly/1K5Wslx and make your pledge!!

We will keep you posted and updated on all that is happening here!! Have an amazing weekend!!?

Ralph & Vicki


Ralph’s Ramblings… May 4 2015


It Only Takes A Second…